nabothian cysts and ttc

Marquee • Happily Married 💍👑Mommy of a sweet boy 🧒🏽 and two angel babies👼🏻 currently awaiting our newest family members arrival ❤️8.25.18❤️
has anyone ever had issues ttc with nabothian cysts? (mucosal cysts on the cervix) do you have any tips, advice, etc? I have a 2.5 year old and it took us 20 months to conceive him. we have been ttc for 20 months now for #2 and it just hasn't happened even with progesterone and me <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>. I just learned I had these cysts this month and had a pap which everything came back normal. I've heard these are common, so just wondered if anyone had advice.