Stretched ears, gauges!

Mariah • Step mommy to Hayden Tyler, and currently pregnant with my first. ❤ aug13th2016
So I used to have my ears stretched, to a 0g. Small enough, for when I take them out they shrink back down. I wear gauges because I cannot stand having regular earrings in! The little stick always stabs me on the back of my ear. Well I have a fairly new boyfriend, who's older and I'm not sure how he feels about them. I want to stretch them back up to a 0g, but I HATE the way stretching your ears smells. I wash them a lot, but anyone who has stretched ears knows that no matter how much you wash them, they stink if you forget for a couple hours. Well my boyfriend likes to kiss my neck and ears when he wants to get frisky lol. And I'm soooo scared he will smell them and be like W T F lol. Anyone else have this problem?