
Nicole • • Married 8 yrs• Baby Girl April 27, 2017• Psych Major• Baby #2 DD Jan 31, 2021•
Last month I was 4 days late for my cycle which never ever happen for me..I have regular 27 day cycles and now I'm on cd 20 and haven't received my digital positive opk!?!? The week I was late I was so sick the doctors couldn't tell me why it felt like a cold/sinus infection..the week after that I have been getting headaches so bad I wanted to cry nothing I take helps..what could be going on!? I normally get a positive opk on cd 14 or 15 but nothing and im currently on cd 20..horrible headaches, eating a lot more then usual, scent of smell is to the roof tops I can smell everything, and no positive opk!? Help me ladies!!