FTM breastfeeding story

Ok the first few days I was in the hospital I told the nurse I felt like my LO wasn't getting enough milk she said it was fine they only need a little bit a few days later I got to come home my baby girl was getting more and more cranky the second night home all she did was cry and I knew it was because she was hungry and not getting enough breast milk so Daddy went out and got formula and she ate good and went straight to sleep. I still wanted to only breastfeed due to all the additional benefits. My breast pump came in and I continuously pumped because I wanted to see and make sure I knew how much my baby girl was getting. My milk was coming in little by little so I would continue to supplement with formula. Now each time I pump I'm getting more and more and it makes me so happy for some odd reason lol now my baby girl is pretty much eating nothing but breast milk and I couldn't be happier. To see how much breast milk I can pump and feed her through out the day and still have some left over is completely satisfying to me. 10 days into breastfeeding and she hasn't ate any formula the past two days and I have some breast milk put up for her next feedings in case we are out and I don't have time to pump is making me feel like a proud mama. Now to start milk bags and freezing I'll be so happy aha