I don't know who to talk to

Long long story!
So I don't even know where to begin, Me and my now husband met 4 years ago when I was around 17 still living at home and in high school. my father and stepmother loved him were all about him said he was such a great guy and I was lucky, Which obviously I knew that. So time goes on and I stayed at my then boyfriends house for one night and my step mom sent me a text saying "if your not going to be staying here someone else could be using the space" I took that as get your stuff and get out. So I did I moved out my father just let her say that to me, let her kick me out and he watched me back my stuff and didn't say anything to me (like don't go) or (you don't have to leave that's not what she meant). That hurt me so deep my dad has always been my best friend ALWAYS and for him to do this just showed me the person he really is. So he called me the next day and said I could come back, you let me pack all my shit and didn't say anything!!!! I said nah your wife doesn't want me there so I don't wanna be there. So my boyfriend was sticking up for me and sent my dad a text and said "you really hurt your daughters feelings you guys should talk and apologize" I didn't thing he said anything wrong or did anything wrong. My dad and step mom said he shouldn't of got in the middle of it it's non of his business he needs to keep his nose out of it. I said so if I said something hurtful to your wife (stepmom) you would jump in and tell me I am being mean and stick up for her? He said Well yeah I would. Then why is he wrong? So I didn't talk to them for a long time about 6 months. Then my grandpa got sick and I had to go to the hospital and see him, my dad didn't speak to me at the hospital. Then a couple days went by and my grandpa passed away and my father and stepmother lived next door to them so I had to be around them and I am 19 years old at the time. My father grabbed me by the arm like a child and ripped me away from what I was doing. Not cool so I left. 
Fast forward a little before my wedding I tried fixing things with him. He didn't want to okay fine then. I tried a few more times and nothing didn't even show up to my wedding. 
I am my dad youngest child at 22. He is 55! My sister is 27. He sent me a text and said "your going to have a little bro or sis" I said " I am not going to have anything I want nothing to do with you, your wife or your child. Please never contact me again!
I just needed to get it off my chest sorry if it doesn't make sense.