Pregnant or not


So glow said I was supposed to start AF last Thursday and I've been crampy on and off for atleast 2 weeks if not longer. I didn't start AF. So I took a test but it was a BFN. But spotted Tues like the size of a dime. (TMI sorry) Brownish then like bright red when I wipe. Then nothing since. Still been crampy on and off, having slight headaches on and off, My CM has been on the thicker side and more often, my acne was pretty much started to completely clear up and all of a sudden I broke out horrible, some constipation to and I feel really hungry like my stomach is always growling for food. Also have been feeling the need to empty my bladder alot. I feel like I'm bloated but I'm not.

Usually before Af I bloat, #2 more often, sore breats and back. What do y'all think.? When should I test again if I don't start soon?