42 - 4th month TTC - SMEP

When you are over 40 and TTC isn't as easy as when you're 20!  Downloaded free copy of SMEP and crossing fingers it works!!  I have a 21 and 17 year old, a new hubby and am not finding it as easy to pregnant anymore lol   I was wondering why it seemed harder for me to get pregnant (besides just being impatient), so for this cycle decided to test twice a day with OPK's. I have the cheapie strips and the ClearBlue digies in both "regular" and early detection. Last night took a cheapie
 and it looked pretty close to being a positive. This morning I took a cheapie and it looked darker so I also took a early detection and it only showed high, not peak. I just tested a little bit ago and the cheapie turned bright pink immediately. Took a diggie also and it showed peak. Glad I did!  I might have missed my very short window! 
Sorry the pics are out of order, I hate using my phone with this app, I can't even cut and paste stuff right 😂  Just want to maybe help others. Testing often might not be bad!  BABY DUST TO ALL!!!