Getting in shape and disabilities

Long story short, I had two strokes when I was 15 after the flu mutated to myocarditis and caused my heart to stop (I also became septic from renal failure via myocarditis, flu and mono reeking havoc on my organs, so that also played a part) and I needed cpr for 37 minutes while being transported to a better hospital to be put on a bivad machine. This chain of events that caused the strokes resulted in lasting brain damage; lack of coordination, severely weakened left side, impaired balance and permanent tremors. My tremors are the worst in my legs, even worse when I get tired or stressed or physical exertion. 
I really want to get in shape since in the past it helped improve my walking and overall strength despite my damage but right now I can't afford a gym pass(used to go with my best friend), I can't go alone anyway and lately my body has been deteriorating (tremors so bad I need help around the house on some days)and I'm weaker then ever, even when my tremors aren't bad, my mom bought me a walker and sometimes we even consider getting a wheel chair... I haven't been in a wheelchair since 2011. I can't even go on walks by myself anymore.
Im also a very high fall risk because of my issues. 
Any ladies here who know someone with a disability or have one and know some tips on getting in shape? 
*I have an appointment with a neurologist and and Endocrinologist to see if they can help me since my thyroid meds can cause tremors and see if there's a stronger tremor med I can get on to help me and cancel out the possibility of onset of Parkinson's due to my brain damage or to make sure it hasn't spread due to falls and concussions I've had since.