boy trouble

Y'all I am having some issues here. So I have 4 men that I am either interested in or they might be interested in me however I feel like I am being sleazy by talking to all of them. 
Man 1: andrew - really amazing literally everything I want in a man but he doesn't want anything rn and we are realy close 
Man 2: dalton - said he missed me we had a brief history but then when I got back in town was supposed to go see a movie now he doesn't have the money so he called it off and realy hasent been messaging me 
Man 3: jake - he is a really old freind that I have always had feelings for but never told him. Now we are off and on talking it's kinda confusing. 
Man 4: Tyler - this is an ex I am having a realy hard time getting over. I truely will always love him because he was my first love. 
But I have another twist on top of all of that I have downloaded a app to talk to men around the world it's kinda fun being able to flirt around online when I know they most likely wont ever be real. I just don't know what to do I feel sleazy and demeaning. What do I do?