My June Baby Came In May! 💛

After a full day of what I thought were Braxton Hicks, I arrived at the hospital and learned that I was in full on active labor. I was 38+5, hadn't lost my mucus plug OR had my water break yet. Just the same, the contractions were getting closer together, longer and more painful by the minute. 4 hours and one epidural later, I feel a pop and my water comes pouring out carrying my mucus plug with it. I progressed to 6cms and was looking good! 
Then my baby's heart rate plunged. It dropped so fast that before I knew it, I was surrounded by medical professionals in the OR being pushed and pulled in ways I didn't know were even possible. I was terrified. Having a c-section was my nightmare. 
At about 5 minutes in, I got to hear the most beautiful sound I'll ever hear in my life, my little boy's first cries. Born at 2:34am, he's a happy and healthy 7lbs 6oz little cutie and I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life as his mama!!!
Please meet the newest love of my life, Sterling Hendrix S.
I'll be in the hospital a little longer than we planned for, but who cares.  He's worth it. 💛