Unwanted hair

So this is a lil stupid I know but I'd like some more opinions on the matter. I have unwanted hair around my belly button & on my upper lip (and lots of other places but those are my main concerns). I was stupid enough to shave and then pluck the ones that came back darker, but now they come back practically black (and sometimes ingrown ugh EW)! I tried bleaching (did my belly first because I was worried it would stain my skin, which of course it did), but I'm broke as hell so the bleach I got was shit and lightened my skin more than my hair. I am considering buying some Nair but idk if that's the best for your face. Also I feel like it would look off somehow to have peach fuzz on my cheeks but not my upper lip but don't wanna do my whole face...I've heard waxing makes the hairs come back thinner and lighter but I cannot afford that. I hate looking in the mirror and seeing a lil stache on my face, it's gotten so ridiculous I've started trimming it, and (thankfully only once) someone has made a stupid remark about it. I am all for girls embracing their bodily hair, but it's simply not my cup of tea so please don't bother telling me to (not trying to be offensive but it's just not an option for myself). So, is Nair worth the buy? Will it fuck up my face? Is there some better alternative that isn't super chemically or skin-rippy? Thanks for your time :3