He must not be into to me... Right?

So... Long story short. I met this guy about a year ago... (Let's call him James.) James told me he just got out of a relationship, and he did not want anything. I waited around for 2 months and met another guy. (Let's call him John.) Me and John dated exclusively for a while... Then, broke up.
After he and I broke up, James came back in the picture. He calls a few times a week. We'll flirt. And, we will go on dates occasionally. He still says isn't ready to date... I say okay, and end up trying to create distance between us. He'll start texting me everyday, to make sure I don't go any where. 
I'm confused..  Bc he says he first want anything, but then he can't seem to let me go. Note: we've never had sex btw.... He isn't that into me... Right 

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