Almost end of 2ww


Well the end of my 2ww is almost here... i go back to the clinic on tuesday to see if all the meds and timed intercourse worked this cycle.. im not sure if im having side effects of the progesterone vaginal tablets ive been using for 2 weeks or if it's early pregnancy symptoms but last week i had some dull period like cramps, ive had nausea on and off for last few days, yesterday was the worst seemed to last all day and i was actually sick after supper.. today so far ive been nauseas since i woke up and hoping my breakfast stays down..

im probably around 11 or 12 dpo i had my trigger shot on may 15... im trying to wait till i go for blood work tuesday and not test at home because i read somewhere that the HCG trigger shot can stay in your system for up to 14 days and can give false positives...