please help

Alyssa • 30 FTM to beautiful baby girl !
okay ladies, i need some insight.
i haven't had a period yet for May. I was supposed to get it May 18th and it still hasn't shown up.
I came off the pill in February, and have had sorta regular periods since - 35ish day cycles. (one of my cycles was 40 days) 
I know it can take some time to get pregnant after stopping the BC pill. 
i haven't been <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>, we've just been having sex a lot more frequently. 
I took a first response test when I was 3 days late (according to the app) on 5/21.
Today is 5/29 and i took another test - still nothing. 
I know some of you will say "go to the doctors" or "take a test" or whatever. i'm not looking for any negative feedback - just really looking for some insight. 
thank you in advance
top test is ovulation - i know it's not positive 
bottom tests are pregnancy.. 
can you ovulate without having a period?! serious question..