Hoping for the best...

We recently found out we might lose one of our twins. I am 23 weeks and Baby A is measuring right on schedule, but Baby B is only measuring 19 weeks. We had an ultrasound at 20 weeks and Baby B was measuring at 18 weeks, so in 3 weeks' time she only grew 1 week.
The specialist we saw said the blood flow through her cord isn't consistent and there's something wrong with the placenta (possibly bleeding at some point). Blood flow isn't in reverse yet, but it's close. She put me on baby aspirin to try to thin out my blood and we go back to see her again in 2 weeks. She said we should prepare ourselves for not getting a heartbeat at that appointment.
Right now, I can still feel both babies moving, so I'm trying to think positive thoughts and do everything I can to give my little girl a fighting chance. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Any advice you can offer?