Nighttime feeding

I have an almost 2yr old who still wants a bottle around 3-4am. We give him an evening bottle, but come mid-night he'll wake up and insist on another one. Sometimes we're able to soothe him back to sleep, but on the nights he doesn't budge it's hell and he'll keep asking, crying, yelling until like 5am- and by that point we're all so exhausted.. ecspecially because we wake up with him for 7/8am. I'm 37 weeks pregnant, and just thinking about my future with a clingy toddler/newborn at night terrifies me. Lol. He's SO close to sleeping through the night, which is a huge step as just a few months ago he was still breastfeeding off me 4+ times a night. He's been through a lot of changes, but I neeeed this to end. Tips/advice?!