still nervous after multiple miscarriages


I am now 16 and 3 with a little boy. Last year I had 3 miscarriages - all before 9 weeks. Even though I am second trimester and genetic testing is back and clear, I'm still nervous. Has anyone else gone through this? How did you learn to trust your pregnancy? I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. My husband reminds me that statistically we are in great shape but I'm still really anxious. Any tips on managing that would be appreciated! 
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Posted at
I also had two early miscarriages and I am now 16w4d and it is hard. But each day I feel like I get more confident. I Dont think anyone who hasn't been through it can understand why we are nervous. Each day you fall more in love with the sweet baby. Keep up the faith! Prayers for a healthy seemless pregnancy!!


Ka • May 31, 2017
It really is a unique experience isn't it? I'm too scared still to broadcast the news on social media or anything like that. Every time I have a scan (my doc lets me come in every 2 weeks) I feel better for a few days and then get scared again... best of luck to you!


Posted at
Same here! I get really anxious and wonder if everything is okay. My husband constantly reminds me: different and new pregnancy, different and new time, different and new baby. Sometimes I have to repeat it over and over. I'm hoping once I can really feel the baby moving I can calm down a bit. 


Ka • May 31, 2017
I hope so too! I keep waiting for that feeling. For now I check his heart with an app or the Doppler every day. I know it's neurotic! Best of luck to you!


Posted at
I'm 17 weeks and still scared to death and being so careful although they say everything is fine.


Ka • Jun 2, 2017
I understand this completely. I freak out if I feel a twinge. Best of luck!


Posted at
I feel ya! It's as if the whole innocence of pregnancy is stripped from you. But just keep putting out good vibes! Saying a prayer for you tonight!! ❤️


Ka • Jun 2, 2017
Thanks Christie!


Posted at
Same here, I had two miscarriages at week 7 both times. I'm now 14w5d and while I'm slowly getting more into the spirit of enjoying this blessing I still can't help but worry that something will go wrong. But it's out of my hands so I'm choosing to be positive  and talking to my baby helps. Plus I just found out gender, somehow knowing that "it's" a girl makes things so much more real. 


Ka • Jun 2, 2017
I hear you! Getting the genetic results and gender did help!


Posted at
I'm in the same boat.  The only people who know I'm pregnant are the people I see on a regular basis at work or my family that lives here in SC.  I'm so afraid of loosing this baby I have not told my close friends and family that live in NJ... including my best friend.  I am starting to feel the baby move regularly when I lay down and that gives me daily reassurance.Hang in there... your not alone!


Tiffany • May 30, 2017
I'm 16w3d now and my previous miscarriage was at 6-7weeks. I didn't know that I had miscarriages till an ultrasound at 13 weeks. I no signs of miscarriage or anything. Then it was 2 more weeks before my body naturally disposed of the fetus. It was heartbreaking.


Ka • May 30, 2017
How far along are you? At what stage were your previous losses? Best of luck to you!