Strange Reunion?

About a year and a half ago my ex and I parted ways because neither of us at that time were ready for a relationship. It was completely amicable but we knew we couldn't put enough effort in to make things work at that time despite the love we had for each other. I ended up moving to Queensland more than 15 hours away. Funnily enough, just yesterday when my little baby (my car) broke down on the side of the road nobody other than my ex who I've still had a soft spot for for the longest time since pulled up to help me out having moved here a week beforehand for work (in the army). We exchanged numbers again and caught up and have every intention of catching up again but in the back of my mind, I'm kind of thinking maybe this will be a second chance. i always had that feeling in the pit of my stomach, but put it down to being young and naive. I just find it so strange that after a year of not talking, the only time my car has ever broken down, my ex is the one to help me. It wasn't evens Main Street! Am I just kidding myself here?