pregnancy Announcement

My husband an I have been trying to conceive for about a year. We were just about to begin to start seeking testing as to why it wasn't happening.  I was at work all weekend and called my husband crying because I felt my period coming on. I knew it would be here on Sunday. Sunday came and went and I continued to check for my period but I didn't think much of it because I've been irregular for a few months now. Out of the blue I just decided to test, pretty positive I felt my cramps consistently and that it would be another waste of a pregnancy test. Surprisingly, it showed an immediate BFP! I know how it feels to try and try and every month you create these symptoms in your head. "I've been tired lately. I've been peeing more. My boobs are sore. I feel nauseous" and every month my period would come and I would feel so silly for even imagining up these symptoms. I would feel disappointment and like a failure because my husband wanted to conceive a while ago and I felt like it was my fault. My sister and friends all got pregnant immediately and that is what I was expecting for us too. I just want to tell those who are trying to keep trying, stay positive and your little miracle will happen. Stick to it! 
Here is my BFP and it's as clear as ever! I will be testing in the morning with my first pee of the day. I'm so terrified but relieved we didn't have to pursue testing and other things I was anticipating. I feel excitement of what's to come. I just hope its healthy!