Parenting Advice

My 8 year old came to me last night and told me that she was paid a quarter a couple of months ago to help a classmate beat another classmate up. They were at recess and the two classmates involved aren't allowed around each other. The classmate that paid her a quarter asked her to go get the other classmate to fight. She went to get him and he blindly walked into a fight. The two classmates got into trouble, but my daughter didn't. She came home and told my husband and I that she found the quarter on the ground. My husband and I talked to her but I'm not sure it will leave an impression because she hasn't been making the best decisions lately. I'm afraid that if we punish her, she'll be afraid to tell us the truth in the future. I just really need some guidance right now. We don't hit or spank, so please don't suggest it because it's not an option. 

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