possible cheating??

So A couple months ago I moved into my boyfriends house. 
I know before him and an ex lived here together about a year ago. 
Anyways today I was cleaning our room and I was in the back of the bedroom where he has a bunch of random stuff stored I glanced quickly into this box and I saw the word "pink" so I was like wtf I grabbed what it was and here it was a pair of Victoria secret panties that are clearly not mine and underneath them was another pair of panties that was much much larger than the last pair. So I know these are from two different women... my first thought is WTF!! Why does he have these?! Are they from previous girlfriends and why does he still have them?! Has he been cheating on me? He was clearly trying to hide them! Why on earth would he keep them? My question here is what do you guys think I should do? Confront him about it? How do I go about confronting him? What do I say?? Do I leave it alone and not say anything? I'm so pissed and hurt. I don't know what to do. I would love some advice. Thank you in advance!