Jackie • Nurse for home health. mom of 2 rainbow babies

I am 27 weeks.. my son has become increasingly clingy over the last month.. he also has been sleeping a lot more lately and more easily fragile w his moods. The slightest thing can set him into a crying fit..Hes 18 months old. Some say cry it out others say not to.. its causing a bit of an argument w my fiance and I because I respond to his cries and pick him up and he says he doesnt want his son being a "wuss" and always crying for mommy.

Plus his sleep has been harder and harder to get him to go down for his bedtime or.if he wakes up.. i am losing sleep and I work full time.. i am overall exhausted.

I need some sound advice on what to do and if I should be asking the doctor about developmental issues or what? Hes not really talking. More babbling and says mommy and daddy but my mother is like "you were much more advanced" she has nothing nice to say about my son or my step daughter...they are both so "delayed" yet my step daughter has been tested and she is intellectually able to be in K but not socially. I also dont know what to do about that.. my brothers kids are just so this and that and shes basically saying my kids are retarded or slow.