some girls get me mad

It furiouses me when some girls who are like 19, 20 ,  24 , around there tell me "oh you should wait awhile til you have babies, it's hard" when they have a kid already and are a stay at home mom, like who are you to tell me to wait for a baby , I WANT ONE NOW. and it trying for a baby now but no luck yet.. Like i told my mans sister in law cuz she has a 1 year old and i said aw i'm having baby fever, she's so beautiful. And then she's like well you should wait and blah blah when she is 24 and still lives with her parents and her husband is a bum, im like why wait when i want one so bad and then she's like cuz we were wanting one and decided to , Like really? she shouldn't have a kid either clearly they aren't ready because they don't have a house and i do!  she's just jealous she doesn't want me to have one because she wants her baby to be the baby of my mans side of family. When i'm 25 years old and been trying for one for years and no luck. Ugh i swear people are just jealous they don't want to compete with someone when reality it's not about competing on who gets to be pregnant , plus me and my man are married, have a career and live in a house which they can't afford ...