Rant about Parents

This is a rant. 
My parents drives me insane. I have always been a good kid. I don't do bad things, I get good grades and do all the chores around the house with my sister. I have 5 siblings who live with me and my parents. My sister and I do 2-4 loads of dishes every day, even though we only eat at the house for dinner. We do our own laundry, and we clean 2 bathrooms once a week, as well as side chores every once in a while. My sister and I are forced to make dinner most nights, and help all 5 siblings with homework and studying. I am a junior in high school and my sister is in 8th grade. Many days of the week my parents yell at my sister and I because my little siblings rooms aren't clean, or they just aren't listening. We are then forced to clean the children's rooms, although they are old enough and capable of picking up their own things. My parents have said that because they had us, we're their servants until we are old enough to leave. My parents expect me to work most nights as well. This leaves little time for homework and for my boyfriend whom I've been with for a year and a half. I don't understand why my curfew is 6 pm, but they don't mind if I'm out until 11 because of work. I get out of school at 4. My mother also tries to say that if I'm alone with my boyfriend I'll "make mistakes." Unlike her, I'm not an idiot whose going to have 9 kids I don't want. It really upsets me that she thinks that I would do anything. I have never done anything for her to judge me like that. Why can't she just trust me? My dad knows my boyfriend and I won't do things, why doesn't she? And she gets mad if my boyfriend falls asleep with his head on my shoulder or in my lap! He's gotta sleep too! But to her only girls can do that! It bugs the crap out of me! Hell he can sit on me if he wants. I just cannot wait to graduate.