I started talking to a guy 2 weeks after his gf broke up with him we spoke for a couple weeks then randomly he got back with his ex. After that we obviously stopped talking but 2 weeks later he messaged me just to check up and see how I was going and he said he was still have stupid fights with her all the time but still loved her and couldn't let her go because their history. We stopped talking after that day and a week later he messaged me again to check up. We spoke for the whole day and then at the end of the day he told me he didn't know what to do because he really missed talking to me and wanted to see how things would go with us because he felt we were better for each other because we are pretty much the same person and she was a crazy person. He also said things aren't the same with her because she hooked up with someone once they were broken up and he couldn't get over that. That night he decided to break up with her and he did and it was for good this time he told her about me and they blocked each other off everything. We really liked each other but it was rushing too fast so I suggested he have some time to himself to recover from the break up and he really didn't want that to happen so said no. Couple weeks later he randomly messaged me saying he needs a couple months and that he doesn't want me to wait because he doesn't know how long he will need but told me he will message me in a couple months and see how things go between us. I'm scared because I really like him and want to be with him but idk what he will do in this time or if he will even still want me after that time or how long it will take. I'm 100% willing to wait but Idk if it is worth it. He unfriended me off snap and Insta but kept me on Facebook so he wouldn't be worried about what I was up to so it could help him worry just about himself for a bit. Idk what to do do you think he will come back to me? I don't think his gotten back with his ex because they aren't friends on anything still