Mixed signals

Been pretty consistent the last couple of months. Always start on the 29-1st of the month. Well it's the first and she isn't here. I tried to ignore it. Chalk it up to anything really. But all this week I've had pretty bad heart burn for no reason; which I've never really had. And last week I had cramping. Which I figured was PMS. Well no spotting or anything today. And so I got excited. Too excited. I took a pregnancy test. Negative. Boo. But...but...common' way to psych me out. Or is there still hope? How do you not get all worked up over the littlest twing of hope? My husband and I started this process with the mentality of what ever happens happens. Yet, here I am on a trying to conceive app charting my cervical mucus! 😯 Any advice!? Thoughtful insights? Could I be pregnant or are all bets off for the month?