knowing when to inseminate...

Rachel • 🇨🇦 40, TTC#1 for 30mo, 2 miscarriages. 👭🌈
My partner and I have been TTC for 8 months using a known donor at  home. We were successful in February and miscarried in March. After 77 long days of checking ovulation (twice a day) I finally got my + on Tuesday! 
We inseminated Tuesday and Wednesday... and this morning I found my temperature "spiked" (I've included my temp tracker, as it doesn't seem overly high) but I'm assuming that means I have actually ovulated... I haven't set up any more times for insemination with the donor, and wondering if I should..? Would two times do the job {before I ovulated}?? I've read so many things which contradict each other... just looking for advice, words of experience, thoughts..?  
(I'm also not sure how the cover line is calculated, but it seems high..and it shows 'spotting' across the board when there shouldn't be lol)