feeling frustrated! or am I being too hard on myself?

So my son is 17 months old and is super wonderful.  He doesn't understand no and he's really testing my patience.  I'm just getting abit flustered bec  He's just beginning to take steps on his own walking but can walk like a speed demon holding my finger.  He doesn't seem interested in wanting to hold/ use crayons (big kind) but yet loves to finger paint.  We are trying to teach him not to hit but he doesn't get it!!!! Lol.  The doc is not concerned at all, but I feel like I'm failing at being a mom.  I work with him everyday but I just feel like he just isnt getting it.  He knows how to clean up, eat with spoon and fork and feed himself, stack rings, sort shapes, follow along when I read. Am I being to hard on myself?