Praying for my miracle baby!


Hello! My name is Pamela and I am excited and terrified to announce that I am 7 weeks, 1 day with my rainbow! This is my 10th pregnancy and I have four living children (I had two early miscarriages when I was a teen and I've lost three babies in the last three years). I lost my son, Nathaniel, at 20 weeks; my daughter, Mia, at 16 weeks; and had my son, Lucas, stillborn at 38 weeks, 6 days.

I'm praying and refusing to let fear take me over. I almost didn't join this group because I was in a group like this when I lost Nathaniel and I was being superstitious about joining one again. I'm​ just going to conquer my fear one day at a time.

Please, if you pray, keep us in your prayers!