Ugh! Sex starved!

Gigi • I`ve been with my SO since I was 19. We have 3 beautiful children and I still get buttflies thinking about him. I`m a lucky lady!
Tell me if I'm wrong or blowing this outta proportion. So my dh and I are in a sex rut. Maybe if I'm lucky we have sex 3-4 times a month. I obviously have a higher sex drive than him but lately I'm much short tempered and annoyed compared to my understanding self. I begged for sex yesterday and was told maybe later and then he fell asleep...whatever. So today he was home from work and I was leaving the office early so I figured I would rush home because it's the perfect time to be alone because the kids are in school. I come home frisky only to be shot down because he already masterbated. I feel so rejected and let down and FRUSTRATED. He's rarely in the mood, but he had the time to take care of himself quickly before I came home. I told him he was being selfish and that I was hurt. I'm kinda teary thinking abiut it again...I don't know what to do. He's going to the doctor to get his hormones tested on Monday.