First Orgasm!!!

I'm a little bit embarrassed hence why this is anonymous lmao! I'm 18 years old and I've been with my boyfriend for coming up to 2 years, he has given me orgasms and I've used toys to help me when I'm on my own because I've always struggled with just using my hands and making myself orgasm as it's never worked! But tonight I was super in the mood (soz) and I tried and ended up having an orgasm!!! It sounds so silly but I really feel like a woman now!😂 Instead of toys and my boyfriend, I did it!!! I'm so happy and had to share with you all 🤷🏼‍♀️😂😅 
Does anyone else remember the first time they made themselves orgasm?? Weird question I know but I feel as if it's taken me years and I've finally done it and at a good age! Lmao 😅