how do I tell my husband..?

How do I tell my husband he sucks in bed? 
He doesn't SUCK... but it isn't good. Here's the story..
So, before I had my first daughter, I had a high sex drive. After I had her, I got the Mirena and my sex drive plumeted. We had our second daughter 9 months ago and I go the mirena again. Sex drive plummeted again. During the time that I had No sex drive, I really didn't care how the sex was. I just wanted it to be done with as fast as possible. 
I recently got my birth control taken out and my sex drive is back, full force!! Only problem is, the sex is not good. 
I feel like he doesn't pay attention as much as he should to my body language.. making out last night was awful. I feel like (now and for the last few years) I only can orgasm when I'm in control and can basically use his body to get off.. I wish he could make me orgasm without me having to put forth such an effort :( 
How do I talk to him about this without hurting his feelings?!?