How do you not lose hope?

My fiancé and I have been trying for a baby for a year. I told him when we started dating that about 4 years ago, my doctor found that tubes were blocked and I wouldn't get pregnant easily and if I did, it would end terribly. Of course, I still believed. So many miracle babies... I knew I could make one too. Month after month, period after period, negative results filled my life. I could see the disappointment in his eyes every time I had to tell him it's not our month. After a year of trying, (one sunday) I finally got a positive result. I was at work when I took the test and I could hardly concentrate the rest of the day. I was only a day late so I wasn't surprised the line was faint but it was pretty darn noticable. I went home and announced it to my man and that was the first time I've ever seen him cry. Naturally, I made a gyno appointment. They couldn't get me in until Monday but I thought it was okay. I downloaded all these <a href="">pregnancy apps</a> so excited to see when came of it. Started reading up on what I should and should not eat, drink, do.... Then on Tuesday, I thought, "why not take another test? I wanted to see that line get darker. Much more easy too see. But it didn't. It actually got lighter. My heart sank. I immediately knew something was wrong. And I was right. The next day I started to bleed. Although I had so many positive friends saying, " it's okay sometimes you still bleed!" I just knew it wasn't right. I wasn't having cramps and the bleeding wasn't heavy but I was worried. I couldn't concentrate at work so I left to go to the urgent care. My emotions were all over the place and the doctor didn't do anything which made it worse. I paid $50 for him to tell me he's sorry and to go home and rest. No tests... no blood work... nothing. So that's what I did. And when I got home my cramps were so bad for about... mmm... maybe 45 minutes. I was bleeding heavy and passing tissue. My fiancé came in the bathroom and held me while I cried. I could feel this tears hitting my shoulder as he held me tight. My cramps immediately went away and we moved up to our room where I slept the rest of the day. I woke up on Thursday not bleeding as bad anymore. I decided to take a test but it came out negative. I thought I could see a line if I held it up to a light but who am I kidding... I have line eyes. I called my gyno to tell them what happened. They asked if I still wanted to keep my appointment or to just cancel it but I kept it. I was disappointed no one wanted to do tests on me. I just want to know what happened and if I'm alright... I guess I won't know until Monday, but my life is very dull right now. Every time I get my hopes up, I'm always crushed. I do not wish this on my worst enemy. And to everyone who has gone through this, I commend you. This is the worst I have ever felt in a long, long time.