doctor away around my due date.

Christina • Baby #1 born August 2015! Baby #2 due June 2017!
I had an awful and traumatic birth experience with my first and I'm so stressed and anxious to give birth to this baby. I picked a doctor at 16 weeks that I adore, he's wonderful and I'm looking forward to having him deliver our baby since he's promised it won't go the way it did last time. I'm due June 12 and he's going to be st s conference from June 8-12. I just found out as it was a very last minute plan. I'm freaking out!! I have to pick a couple back up doctors in case he's not here when I go into labour and I'm so terrified I'll have an awful experience like I did with my first. He says we'll think that baby will come once he's back but I'm worried it won't happen that way. So nervous and don't know how to deal with this!