1 year of trying to conceive and nothing. Any tips/advice?

My fiance and I have been trying to conceive for about a year now and I've been off of birth control for 18 months (all of the forms I had tried made my cramping worse to the point of staying home sick from work throwing up for 3 days of my period) nothing has come of it other than a 7 day late and really light and short period (tested because I talked to a friend and she freaked out and it was negative). we've tried a few different positions. I'm only 21 but I would rather have a baby sooner than later because I have a fracture on my spine that hasn't healed in the past 6 years and would love to be able to function as a normal parent before doctors start recommending surgeries to me. I don't drink alcohol. He's totally on board with this. I've been eating healthier than I ever had. I'm already taking prenatal vitamins for the little bit of extra iron (doctor recommended) I limit my caffeine intake. I remove myself from stress as much as possible. I track my ovulation on here and have gotten a testing kit from the store the dates had matched up. I'm just feeling slightly defective.

If you have any advice on what we could do different i'd greatly appreciate it.