Usually Long Cycle

Megan • 27, married, and TTC our first.

Hello everyone!

So this is only my 3rd month TTC and 3rd month off the pill but my cycle has been pretty normalish. My 1st month was a 24 day cycle. My period was 5 days early and lasted 6 days as apposed to my usual 2-3 days. I had horrible cramping and it was SUPER heavy. My 2nd cycle was 29 days and my period lasted 2 days with mild cramping. So back to normal. Now I'm on my third cycle. I decided to use an ovulation kit. I took my first test on day 10 the day Glow said I'd be ovulating, and got "low". I got the "low" result from day 10-day 15. Then on day 16 I got "high" ovulation and I got that result from day 16- day 27. Then I just stoped testing cause I ran out and I felt I was ovulation too long and the test were wrong. Since I should of gotten my period on day 29, May 28th, but after logging my "high" ovulation test results Glow moved my period date back to June 5th. 

So now I think I've missed my period and I may actually be pregnant! What do you ladies think?!