Sugar withdrawal??

Not exactly sure whether or not to be concerned or not.

Yesterday was the last time I had a soda, and I am normally seen with a soda in my hand all day long.

I've been trying to be more healthy but I just completely cut soda out cold turkey.

This morning I did have a pancake with sugar syrup..

I've been super shaky and not had much energy today. I've really just felt blah. I wanted to stay in bed all day.

Could this be caffeine withdrawal since I did have sugar today? Or is it sugar withdrawal since the only sugar I have had was a pancake at 10am.

I'm not used to feeling shaky so it's got me a little worried! Advice ??

Also, I can't eat peanut butter! That helps if your sugar is dropping but I am allergic :( just in case that is the problem !
