sorry be prepared to read I just don't know what to do

Hey some advice 
So I been with a man since I was 14 year old I am currently 25 year old now 
We been engaged 6 months and had 7 miscarriages 
Everything was perfect at first it always is untill years or even months down the line 
Anyways I hope your prepared to read and I hope you don't get board of my story I just need the truth 
2012 it all started he was going work mon- Friday and went out after work Friday and did not return home till Sunday late night ready for work Monday morning he was working with a guy this guy fell out with him and told me he's cheated ect ect 
He plays a game called world of Warcraft he was chatting a women up on the game callling her babe telling her to add him on facebook ect the time I was in the kitchen making our tea o seen it when he left computer on and went toilet there's been times we're he's texted his sister and said don't let that girl add me on Facebook or text me or message me threw messenger as Chelsea (myself) will hit the roof 
2014 it's got better we moved home and started a fresh start things were great untill I had women inboxing me telling me he was with her one night ect I forgive him and we carried on we moved again yes I know I like to move around untill I feel settled and 2017 he started a new job he then blocked 2 girls on Facebook who worked with him he said they are the type of girls who would Ruien a relationship I said well why would they want to do that unless you have them a reason to 2008-2009 we split up I h got with another man he sexual and phically abused me I lost interest in my self I become paranoid I become I surcure and I become scared I would ever get hurt like that I am
A strong inderpendent women I am
Proud of my self but he thinks I am asleep at night I cudddle him he said ew move 
I pay all the bills including the rent that's around £800 a month he pays for a holiday he constant throws the holiday in my face 
Well today I went on computer he left his wow on I put chat log on I am wrong to do that o understands but he hit the roof he started calling me a freak and paranoid freak he said I am a mess he said he's not happy he says he's not happy in every argument and then a day later he said he's really happy and that he was just pissed off and that he loves me my head is a mess 
Isit time for a new start isit time I walk away finally after all these years it could go on for days what I have been threw but I wornt keep you all to long 
I know you will all say you should of left him years ago it's easier done then said if you love someone so much that you would die for them 
He acts all like it's my fault he tells his dad everything I mean who am I marrying him or his dad I just don't know what to do what would you lot do no horrible comments I had enough of being called names today