my parents manipulate and emotionally abuse me.

This may be a longer post so thanks in advance for reading... I really need someone to listen to me.. I appreciate it. 
I'm  23 years old, so I'm not an angsty teenager mad at her parents. Here's a little back story. I grew up in a family of 4 ... I have an older sister. My dad is an alcoholic, addicted to gambling, used to physically abuse me, has cheated on my mother and is just overall a complete a** . My mom pretty much raised us on our own. My family grew up in an extremely Christian and conservative setting. So already you can probably picture the way my family thinks... definitely not like me at all, I have a more liberal way of thinking. Due to the physical and emotional abuse I've received over the years I've kind of developed mental health issues. I've dealt with things like trying to talk to my parents and having my dad tell me to shut the fuck up and he turns the tv up to drown out what I'm saying. Or  I'll go to them about how I'm feeling emotionally and my mom will turn it around and make herself the victim after she's said or done something to hurt me . So it's very emotionally manipulative and abusive as you can see. Well I've suffered from extreme burns on 50% of my body which are preventing me from working until they are somewhat healed. My work isn't happy about it .. but what's worse is my parents aren't either. My situation is being downplayed on a daily basis. They are constantly rediculing me and talking down to me for not working even though a doctor wrote me a note saying I can't work. And also expressed how important it was That i get as little UV exposure as possible. Last night I had mild anaphylaxis due to something I didn't even realize I was allergic to . I felt like I was breathing through a straw and was just covered in hives. I woke my mom and she brushed it off . I still had hives when I woke up in the morning and I showed my dad and he , again downplayed it and pretty much laughed in my face. That set me off. It hurt. It made me reminisce on all of the not so good times. Like how they spent 800 dollars putting my sister through drivers training but I've gotten nothing , they have taken me driving 3 times since I've gotten my learners a year and a half ago. They've done so much for my older sister that I've kind of grown these expectations of what my parents should do for me. But they don't. I feel like I'm missing out. I love my parents ... don't get me wrong . I'm just tired of this all . I had a mental breakdown and for the first time in years wanted to end my life. I'm stronger than that so I won't do it . But I decided to talk to my mom about how I'm feeling and how I feel like I've missed out and that I feel like no one takes me seriously . She flipped it around on me and made it about the dishes and called me selfish ... mind you I spent 500 on a pair of diamond earrings for her for her birthday . I'm not saying I'm perfect . I make mistakes. But I wouldn't say I'm selfish. She then turns it around and says "I'm such a horrible mother aren't I" in a mocking way . Completely manipulating me into feeling guilty when all I was trying to do was talk to her about my feelings . She refuses to take responsibility for anything she's done and refuses to listen to me when I try to express myself to her. I feel emotionally abused and manipulated. Both my parents do this. It's so messed up and unhealthy. So now I'm at a point where I don't know what to do . I can't move out because I can't afford it . The economy is bad and I can't find another job .. I've been looking for months. So I'm stuck here in this enviorment that is super unhealthy for me. I can't afford to see a counsellor or a psychologist because it's not covered through my insurance. I've been going through a lot lately. I'm at a loss for what to do . My boyfriend has been super loving and suppportive and I have no clue where I'd be without him. That's the only constant good thing in my life. Any ideas on how I can remove myself from this situation? Or any ideas on how I can get some help?