Things have already changed.

Jessica • 💕
My relationship is not the same and hasnt been for a while. Being pregnant honestly changed me and my boyfriend which unfortunately effected our relationship. We both seem to annoy each other and frankly I just feel like he hates me now. Ok maybe not HATE, but just doesnt want much to do with me. Never wants to hang out with me, just me... if he does make plans for us he always has to include other people (family & friends). Two more months until our baby girl is here so i just want to spend time with him...just him. I gave up on wanting to hang out with him and ive told him how i felt. So he does what he wants and goes out whenever he wants. I cant sleep without him, so i just stay home waiting and getting lost in my thoughts... 
We both just hope we change back and that our relationship goes back to what it was after the pregnancy is over. But im scared that it might not </3 
I just want my baby girl here already! ): 
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It's unrealistic to expect that you'll go back to the people you used to be. Being parents will change you. You need to communicate and learn to grow together instead of growing apart. My husband and I are FAR from perfect, but throughout all of the challenges life has thrown at us we've managed to become closer. &nbsp;Why don't you try to plan a date night? That way he can't invite anyone and it'll give you some time to regain that spark. &nbsp;


Posted at
Things don't just pop back into place and having a newborn can make things even harder. You and him need to sit down and talk about your feelings before things get worse.&nbsp;


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I had to say it but a newborn in the house will most likely make whatever is going on between you guys worse. Once baby is actually here, they will take up all of your time, you'll be sleep deprived majorly for a long time, and forget having lots of one on one time. I REALLY recommend you both try to figure this out before baby comes. From the sounds of it, though, he doesn't sound like he interested in actually talking/working things out?&nbsp;


BlissfullySweet • Jun 5, 2017


Posted at
I dont think you can just hope itll go back and leave it at that you both have to make am effort and work on things and find out what has happened thats causing yoi to feel this way. You guus should really have a talk about it and what you can both do to repair things because a baby is gunna add stress better to work on things now


Posted at
Y'all need to sit down and figure it out. It's only going to get harder when the baby comes as now you won't have any time alone. Once you become parents you are going to change again. &nbsp;Being in a relationship isn't about hoping things will go back to how they were, it's about adapting and learning to grow and change together. It's HARD work sometimes and it's not always going to be easy. Ignoring the problem until after baby is born is only going to set your relationship up even more for failure once the baby gets here. So, sit down and talk it out.&nbsp;