Kimmy • Story of my life.. ttc newly married💕
Ok first off let me start off by saying that I am mixed with black and white. So color has nothing to do with what I want to rant about. Anyhow there was a situation in my community that took place. That has me upset. There's this 18 year old white  autistic kid that tried to molest this 12 year old autistic black girl. Cops did absolutely nothing. He's still walking around our community as if nothing never happened. Was never arrested or anything. I feel this is wrong. When they took a look inside his shed he had a bed condoms binoculars tape and some other things. I have a 9 year old daughter. I use to let her walk to her friends house. And ride her fourwheeler around the community. Now I make her stay inside. I'm super paranoid nowadays. God help me if I'm wrong but I feel something needs to be done. But what could be done if he's autistic tho?! Heck he smokes weed so he knows what he's doing right?!  What do y'all think. Mind you this community is filled with a lot of young girls😫