It's a little BOY!!!

Katie • Mommy to be to a little boy 💙💙
He has already stolen mommy's heart along with everyone else's! He is absolutely, positively perfect! He is topping in the scales at a huge 8 ounces (most little one's at this gestation are 5-5.5 ounces! But mommy has only gained 4 pounds in the second trimester after losing about 20 in the first from morning sickness) and we got told again he has the longest legs anyone has ever seen! There are no chromosomal abnormalities or anything, he is perfect and healthy! He already has a onsie that reads "My first words will be "Go Big Blue"" so he can watch the Wildcats with papaw in style!! This little boy is the biggest blessing in my life and word's can not describe how much I love him! We have a name picked out that I'm sure many will hate but we fell in love with, Tobias Everett. We will call him Toby for short and Everett is after my great grandpa! If you hate the name please keep it to yourself! I just wanted to share this news because I was never suppose to be able to have a baby so he is definitely a blessing I couldn't be more excited to meet!