IVF cycle. Who else is in the process (started or going to start soon)?


Hello ladies! This is my 2nd <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> fresh cycle and I'm looking for other ladies on the same cycle. CD1 was May 25th and we started with Gonal F pen a 200, then added Menopur and Cetrotide. Yesterday (June 3rd) was my trigger shoots (Lupron & hcG). Tomorrow (June 5th) will be our retrieval. 

This time we have decided to have the embryos checked before doing the transfer so not sure yet on transfer day. 

Let me know where you guys stand 🤗😊 

Good luck to all of us! 🙏🏽✨👶🏽

***UPDATE 8/17/17***

So this cycle wasn't the cycle for us. After all the good news and positive thoughts, we got a "positive" beta results in 8/5/17, however the numbers were too low to have been told with a positive tone. After a very stressful week of testing and waiting on results, and testing some more, and waiting some more, we received the call on 8/11/17 telling us the numbers were back to nearly zero.

Yesterday (8/16/17) we had our follow up appointment to discuss the next steps. Doctor suggested having a endometrial biopsy (which I thought it had already been done), so that we can test my uterus lining. Honestly I'm upset at the fact that this test wasn't done from the very beginning (given that I had 2 miscarriages back to back), but we can't change the past. Now I'm just hoping for the results to come back positive so that I can at least have answers, because if they come back negative we will still not know why I can't have a healthy pregnancy. Anyway, if it's positive I'll be on antibiotics for two weeks, then I can start my cycle, which will hopefully be in late September or early October.

***UPDATE 9/22/17

So we got the results last week and the results were positive, which means I have endometritis. I have been on antibiotics since Saturday of last week and need to drink them (2 pills twice a day) for 14 days total. Today I received my tentative schedule for our next transfer. October 7 will be my "CD 1," follow by monitoring of my lining, which will determine transfer date. As of right now, estimated transfer date is for 10/26/17.