Sudden awaking from my 12 month old in middle of the night.

My daughter just turned 1 last week. She had her one month shots a few days later. Doc told us to expect a fever and maybe a rash from the vaccines and that started Friday morning. She's been fussy and cranky. She was also teething throughout the week, lots of drooling. 
Then Friday night she woke screaming. Couldn't calm her down foe anything. Picked her up brought her into our bed. I thought it was for sure the fever since when I picked her up she was extremely warm. Gave her some ibuprofen and then just tried to calm her and within an hour she was doing better. 
But then last night it was the same thing, same time. 10 pm rolls around and she's up screaming. Inconsolable but no fever. Again we brought her into our room. Then she finally started to calm down an hour into it. Both nights she has fallen asleep in here and I move her around 2 am to her crib. 
I've read night terrors, which I hope it isn't. Because I leave for New York on a week long work trip on Tuesday. 
It could be teething but she's never reacted like this. 
If you have any mommy insight I'd appreciate it!! Tired and worried over here.