
I have a biological sister that I don't speak to due to some shit that my biological mother pulled. Her name is summer. Summer sent me a super angry message on Facebook the day my son was born, chewing me out for not calling and telling them he'd been born. I told her to fuck off and never contact me, my family, or my friends ever again. I found out today that she asked my friend to get pictures of my son off my Facebook and send them to her (my husband and I have her and her mother blocked on Facebook and all other forms of contact for the simple reason that we don't want them to see him or contact us). My friend said no, thank god. My friend also told me that summer told her a bunch of stuff that didn't make sense, such as:
My husband lives with them (he doesn't. They live in Nebraska, we live in Texas)
My husband is leaving me for my biological mother (he hates her and her other kids)
They are coming back to Texas this summer so they can babysit while I get a job (that'll be kinda hard for them since I never wish to see or speak to them again)
She's getting breast implants(lol they can't afford rent or food)
She is coming back to Texas to meet her nephew(lol I told her before I blocked her to just pretend I died at birth. That we are not sisters and he is not her nephew)
My husband never loved me and just wanted to be with her mother (he didn't meet her until after I did. And he hates her now)
She has a job that pays her $400 a night( she's 15 and I call bullshit unless she's prostituting)
Summer has a history of creepy behavior with other people's babies. She has stolen and posted photos of several babies and behaved as if those children were hers. I know that she is trying to get pregnant due to a few conversations we had before I cut them from my life. I am terrified that they will follow through on coming back to Texas and try to take my son. They know where we live and where my parents live. I'm scared to leave him in a room by himself, like he'll disappear if I turn my back for two seconds. I've been paranoid about summer trying to act like my son's mom since I found out I was pregnant. I told my husband that I want to move so they don't know where we live. I don't feel that my son is safe right now.