Confused!!!???? Everyone Please Leave A Comment as to what you think this might be!!!!! Been TTC for 3 yrs now and Just took 2nd Round or Letrozole a Few weeks ago!! More info below!! Sorry if TMI !!!

I've had all sorts of pregnancy symptoms but multiple bfns plus some tests people say they see the faintest line . Af was supposed to start yesterday but since Friday night I've had the faintest spotting discharge only when I wipe and every once and a while not all day and not every time or even every other time I wipe but the pics are in order of the discharge or spotting I've had. I don't know what's going on or what this is. I've had sex since my fertile period but the last day of my fertile period I had sex and that was on May 22nd.  
Below pic is from Friday late night or late Sat morning which is when AF was due to start. 