He doesn't have friends.. (kinda long)

Katie • ♡

Before my husband met me he had several friends. They'd always go out and hang out together. He'd go up to where they lived and would stay over for the weekend, things like that. After he met me he stopped seeing them. He stopped it literally cold turkey and I dont know why. I feel so bad for him because he'll tell me how much he misses his ex best friend and his cousin. (Not the friendship but the company). They weren't the nicest of people. His ex best friend got mad at him over something so small as facebook (which showed how immature he is). My husband has always had issues with his cousin though. He invited some of his other friends over to hang out several months ago but they stayed maybe 1 hour. They literally drove 1 hour to stay an hour. They stopped talking to him too after that.

I think maybe since he was the first in his friend group to get married maybe they didn't know how to handle it? Or maybe it has something to do with him opening up and changing his views on things?

I just want him to make friends and have that guy time and to have someone to hang out with that loves the same things he does. How do I help him? He has a few work buddies but they're all older and in different stages of life. I feel like I can't give him suggestions on what could help him make friends because I've gone my whole life without friends. It just breaks my heart.