help ? sex life failing

I've tried everything he just doesn't want it at all last night I offered for us to go up and me give him a massage but he blew me off completely to watch wrestling ! why would he prefer to watch a bunch of big sweaty men pretend fighting than come for some sexy time ? its been this way for months ! he cares more for his car he even kissed the car earlier like wtf ? I put on nice clothes make an effort for him I have gotten in bed naked too ! and he just shrugs me off ! I'm 14 weeks pregnant and I've lost weight not gained but I do have a bump, but last time I was pregnant he was all over me so it's not the bump ! I don't know what else to do ? I'm feeling like the most unattractive peice of shit right now , i feel so ugly and horrible and I feel really un loved and lonely I've told him that aswell , he says he's struggling to even get in bed with me at all , he says he loves me and does want to be with me though ? We've been together 5 years engaged and pregnant with our 2nd baby , I'm so confused all intimacy has gone and I don't know why ! should I just leave him be ? I honestly don't know what to do ?