blog for working moms?

I'm not a parent yet, but I love reading Pinterest articles about parenting, homemaking, etc. I'm studying for when I finally get my positive! But the thing that I've noticed is that most of these bloggers are stay at home Mom's. I think it's great that they are able to do that, but it makes me wonder: how do working moms keep up with all of this stuff? 
Since I will be working full time and so will my husband, I want to read a working Mom's blog!  And not someone who works from home or who can change their schedules whenever they want. I mean someone who needs to work 8-5 Monday through Friday and doesn't have a nanny or mom/sister/friend that can help whenever they need it.
I'm a chemist and I'm nearly 10 years into my career, and I don't see why I should have to give up a fulfilling career to have a child. I make more money than my husband, but I would never force him to stay at home and give up his career either.  Basically 90% of my husbands income will probably go to daycare. So we definitely won't be able to afford a nanny or housekeeper.  Our families live on the other side of the country so we won't have any help either. I already struggle to find the time and energy to keep the house somewhat clean and cook 3-5 nights a week. I prep all of our breakfasts and lunches on Sunday but its exhausting!
So has anyone ever read a working Mom's blog? Or are they all way to overwhelmed to write one? Any advice from busy working moms out there on how to make it work?