Family is pressuring me!

My brother is in jail. I have 5 other sibilings (all adults) I am currently 6.5 months pregnant and going through a few medical problems that can be controlled by keeping my stress levels low. Well, the dilemma is, my brother had a lawyer that basically took my family's money & did squat. Now my mom & brother that is in jail our pressuring me (cause the hubby makes decent money) to hire another lawyer. I honestly can't take this pressure anymore. It's been over 2 years of dealing with lawyers and drama. I understand this is my brother's life we are talking about but we don't have the kind of money they think we do and we have a baby on the way that we have to think of. It feels like it's either my brother's life, or taking my kids future away. The rest of the sibilings get away with doing the minimum or absolutely nothing. My brother is a good man who has made a huge mistake. And I know he deserves help. But I honestly can't do it anymore and I'm stuck with the guilt of feeling responsible for his future. It's not fair. And I'm so worn. What is the right thing to do?  Please no nasty comments. I love my brother & he was my best friend growing up.